Friday 5 January 2024

You might be wrong about GMOs

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Genetically modified foods are less concerning than many think
By Jamie Ducharme
Health Correspondent

When I interviewed Fred Gould, a genetically modified organisms expert from North Carolina State University, he asked me a question he often poses to groups learning about GMOs: what percentage of vegetables in your grocery store are genetically modified? I hesitantly guessed 20%.

I, like many people Gould asks, was wrong—the answer is closer to 0%. While there are some genetically modified fruits and vegetables on the market, many people don’t realize that most of the GMOs eaten in the U.S. are actually processed foods made from tweaked corn, soybeans, and canola.

That, Gould told me, is just one misperceptions people have about GMOs. Perhaps the biggest one is that GMOs are unsafe, a conclusion that both scientists and regulators have refuted but still widely persists, even decades after these foods first became available in the U.S.


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Today's newsletter was written by Jamie Ducharme, and edited by Elijah Wolfson.


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